

Posted on:
14th May, 2024

SME access to angel investment

Accessing investment for SMEs across the UK regions has long been an issue and is a significant contributory factor for stifling regional economic growth. Combining this with the government's decision to withdraw central government support for Local Enterprise Partnerships from April 2024 and transferring their functions to local and combined authorities has only led to compounding the problem.

Join us as Mark Roberts explores a new Local Authority model for unlocking regional angel investment for high-growth SME businesses in the regions.

Mark Roberts, previously the Deputy Chair for West Yorkshire Combined Authority discusses these challenges with Martin Avison, CEO of angelgroups, one of the largest angel networks in the UK, and the developer of a unique software solution, Incluziv which can help unlock early stage equity funding for SME’s across the regions.

Martin used all his experience of running his own network of investors to develop Incluziv, a SaaS solution that connects investors from all groups using the solution into one place and becomes a combined investment lens of several thousand angels that Incluziv can bring to the Authorities' regions and their local businesses .

Incluziv are already talking to a number of Combined Authorities to support increased investment in their regions, and are being supported by Oxford University who are providing insights to help shape the research outputs to aid Regional Economic Policy.

Incluziv matches “founders to funds” and “investors to inventors” unlocking Regional growth with the end goal of driving Regional Regeneration, creating new jobs and more prosperous communities and a thriving local economy.

We are therefore delighted to invite you to a live Zoom interview at 11.00 am on the 7th of June 2024, where these challenges will be discussed in an informative and relaxed session.

If you and/or your colleagues would like to join us, we’d be delighted to welcome you and support you on your journey.  Click here to register your interest in attending.

For more information about this event or Incluziv, please contact Paul Bozson.

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